Today will be a darn busy day, and not just with work. I have a bunch of things to get done soon's I get this done, which means with travel time and all, I have to leave shortly after Quentin does to go to Harrison. I have a package to drop at the UPS dropbox, hit up Wal-Mart for a couple things and a money order to pay a bill, and I have to hopefully have time to stop at the bank inside the Wally World to see about a bank account locally for nothing more than putting money into for just paying on back bills. Apparently, having bank accounts already where we use them for regular expenses and such is not a great idea, because somehow, Quentin calls the bank and moves money around like crazy ... so in order to work on back bills properly, as well as to cash checks if we get any, means a bank account he has no access to. I love the man to death, but he has no idea how to handle finances whatsoever. In nearly four years of marriage, he still hasn't learned from me how to handle money well. He's better, but he's got a long ways to go.
Thankfully, it's supposed to rain today, so at least I don't have to water the "garden," such as it is so far. We are supposed to rain some for the next several days, which is good for things to grow. Like the grass, which has to be weed whacked so I can lay down the paneling flat on top of what's left to kill it, and put the beds and whatever on top of that. Sunday, being Mother's Day here in the States, Quentin has asked me what I want for that. I told him chocolate and his time with no gripes, because there are garden tasks that need doing that I need his time for. Because I need to get some trelliising or build some and get it up for the climbing stuff to go up. With as small a space as I have to grow in, things have to go up instead of out. And this weekend, we both need to make a stop at Home Depot - I have enough to get the things I need for the bailer bucket and who knows what he needs. I may get some more topsoil, too - at $2 a bag, it's awful cheap and I can get five bags for a good price. That is a LOT of dirt to plant in, lol!
Anyhow, I need to go find books and get other things done before I get myself together and head out the door! See you later!
Citrus: How to Grow and Use Citrus Fruits, Flowers, and Foliage
CHEESECAKES - 25 Delicious Step-By-Step Cheesecake Recipes
Slow Cooker Soups and Stews: Easy, Simple and Delicious Beef, Chicken, Vegetable and Much More!
15 Crochet Motifs
So You Want A Better Garden?: Top Gardening Tips For Everyday People
The Perfect Pantry: Your Comprehensive Guide to Food Remedies and Preservation Techniques
Frugal Cooking With Beans: Over 40 Deliciously Simple Bean Recipes Using Dry & Canned Beans
32 No Bake Pie Recipes - The Ultimate No Bake Pie Collection (Dangerously Delicious Pies - The Best Pie Recipe Cookbook Series)
Beginner Crochet Techniques (Tiger Road Crafts)
Container Gardening - 2 Book Bundle: Vegetable Container Gardening - Made Easy; Tomato Container Gardening - The Easy Way To Grow Tomatoes In A Small Space
Easy Homemade Bread: 50 simple and delicious recipes (Bakery Cooking Series)
Slow Cooker Cookbook - Easy & Delicious Recipes Everyone Will Love
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