Sunday, December 14, 2014

Busy day

Because it's Sunday, and generally, there's just a lot to get done. Today was mostly get yesterday's laundry put up and get the trash together and burned, but I also had a little fun. I got the .22 out and did a bit of target shooting. I need to get more shells, but every place I check, they are often out or the orders didn't come in or something. I may have to see if there are online places to get shells that can legally ship to Arkansas and go that route. I'm down to just under two boxes of shells, and for serious target shooting and general varming control, you need more than that.

I am not having a happy with Mom's lap quilt right now, though. I'm down to the last two butterflies, and the eighth one is a bugger. LOTS of partial stitches in it, and the parts of the pattern where they are is really tiny, so I have to use the magnifier frequently to see what goes where. This one has several black spots on it, so I'm doing them first and then I'll fill in around, as that's where the majority of the partial stitching is at, and it's driving me nuts. This one, I have a feeling, is going to take a while. But it's time for food and book hunting and general laziness for a couple hours, and then a ton of other indoor stuff like more sewing on that darned butterfly!


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