Sunday, November 25, 2012

I don't even know ...

how to title this post, so a few words to start the post out will have to do. It's been a weekend of small, negative things going on right and left, and I'm left just wanting to cry my eyes out for some stress relief. It happens to everybody one time or another, I know, even if you're not homesteading. Somehow, though, it just seems to hit home harder on a homestead, I guess.

Thanksgiving went well, though we had the tenderloins package of turkey instead of a breast package, because I grabbed what I thought was boob, and got the underlying tenders instead out of the freezer. But it was still turkey and au gratin potatoes and green beans and snack stuff. The boys got the heart and liver, cut up and raw, on a salad plate just for them, and before we knew it, the  stuff was gone and they were both out cold. Turkey just makes both the boys pass right out worse than Quentin!

Friday, I did cheddarbrats, stuffing (I did it with some of the meaty broth off the turkey carcass, so it had turkey bits in the stuffing - yum!) and corn. We're kind of noshing the weekend away, since I don't have to go back to work till Tuesday. I got part of the draft dodger for the door done, and hubby doesn't want me adding the foam to the other side ... he just wants to pull the rest of the flat part of the knitting under the door and staple it to the other side to pull the dodger tight to the inside of the door. As the door weighs a good bit, and he doesn't want to haul it off the hinges to add weatherstripping to it, a draft dodger handknitted by yours truly will work well compared to stuffing one of my good towels up against the door when we're home, and hoping we don't lose a lot of heat when one or both of us is gone.

And hubster got the solar porch light we picked up at Harbor Freight installed on the end of the deck so when it shines, it shines right on the doorknob. Handy if someone is coming home after dark and needs to find the knob to unlock the door!  (Sadly, we have yet to get much of the trash pile out from near the deck, but it's coming along ... another five-gallon bucket gets hauled and burnt every time we take out trash or burn brush.)

So overall, things are going okay. The bad news is not monumental, but added up, it just is a lot of little stress that I'm not in a mood to handle this weekend. The spacebar on my laptop is giving out, which makes typing fast like I'm used to a pain, as I keep having to go back and add the spaces. His unemployment still hasn't gone through, and they're still trying to say he hasn't served his waiting week, which is ridiculous, since he's been off for nearly two, plus a decision is still pending on it. I only worked two part-days last week, so this week's paycheck is going to stink, even with the holiday pay for Turkey Day, which means *I* have to file for partial unemployment for me to help us get through and make last week's check and what little I get this week serve two weeks duty. Thank goodness the only bill we had this week was the electric and it wasn't too bad.

And to top it all off, the battery on my car is going out. I mean it is going O-U-T out without any warning whatsoever. It's the original battery on a 2006 Aveo, but you'd think it would warn me or something that it was going to need replacing, and we'd've had it done long ago. But of course not! The car sat for Thursday and Friday, because we didn't go anywhere. The van started right up when we needed it to yesterday, because we had to do laundry and now of course, had to run to Harrison to get a jumper cable set as well ... something we'd been talking about getting long before we moved her and never did. $12 later, I have a good set of cables that are now going to carry in the car all the freaking time, and thankfully I do know how to use them. So we took the car for a spin after jumping it yesterday, just figuring the frigid temps of late and not running it for two days were the culprit. I even went out and ran it a couple extra times last night after supper and before bed. And then this morning, I was telling Q to take the car because it has more gas than the van and is more economical (he needs to make another quick run to Harrison, he forgot something yesterday for some project he has going), and it wouldn't start without a jump again. So now, until he either gets his unemployment or a new job ... he has to be ready to come out and jump the car every morning I have to work or if we need to go somewhere without the van. Naturally, we can't afford a new battery right now. But hubby already said if he gets a job at the plant with me (if they ever start taking applications again!) or gets his unemployment, that comes even before finishing up the woodstove project. Cuz let's face it, jumping my car so I can go to work is going to get really old, really fast.

Otherwise, the week's gone okay. Lots of peace and quiet on our little place, not a lot getting done due to chilly weather, but we're staying hunkered down. Thankfully, on a good note, our little radiator heater and the space furnace keep the place around middle to high 50's for a temp at the least, so we aren't freezing. Cold at night maybe while we're still up, but not freezing our butts off!

Now if things would just take a turn for the better here, we'd be a little bit less worried about things and a lot happier. I am thankful for the fact that I have Quentin around. Without him, this thing with the car would be a lot scarier and a heck of a lot bigger headache. And in spite of all with his unemployment and all, he's being a rock for the most part. He's being strong as he can be on the outside for me, but I know it's hard on him, because he's letting himself go. I told him last night he has to start taking care of himself again because it will make him feel better - trust me, take it from someone who was off work for 20 months. Taking care of yourself in the little things like cleanliness and brushing your hair and such makes you feel a lot better and brings a touch of normal to your life, even when everything else is falling apart around you.

And hey, we have a project to do either today or tomorrow, depending on the outside temps. The one burn barrel's been used so much, we have it half full, so it's got to be tipped over and cleaned out and any salvageable metal pulled out and tucked away in the metal pile for scrapping. There's a place nearby on my way to work that I can drop off stuff at. We won't get much but these days, every little tiny bit will be a big help.

So till next time, may your homesteads flourish and your lives be peaceful. Time for me to go look over my list of things to be thankful for again to cheer myself up, and then either watch a little tv off the DVR for shows I really like and work on a pair of socks for me, or play Farmville. I need to relax!


  1. Sometimes we go thru a rough time and we don't know what to do or we ask the question why? Heather one thing I did long time ago when we got here and then the bottom seem like it was going to fall out from under us(again),I started crying and finally I said I had enough and told God no more.That I couldn't take it anymore!I told him to do what he wanted I was done.Since that day it's been great.Nothing out of the ordinary,the truck broke down a couple times and we got sick a few but all in all it straightened right up.So I don't know what your religious outlook is but this is how I do.I say the Lords Prayer every night before I go to bed and it does help.Don't sweat the small stuff it works out on its own.I hope this helps.

  2. Hey another little thingy,lot of people wouldn't eat this but gosh we do,fried chicken livers and ranch dressing!OMG they are great.
