Sunday, June 16, 2013

Homestead chores DO hurt ...

And boy, howdy, do they hurt. This has been a very uneventful week as far as getting chores done around here, partly because it's been muggy as all get out, and mostly because I had a boo-boo Tuesday night. We were headed outside to get some work done and I missed the bottom step, and went arse over teakettle. I managed to twist in the air and land on my butt, falling onto my back, but the missed step caused me to wrench my left ankle pretty badly. Ten minutes or so of laying on the ground bawling from the shock before I could get up (with a lot of help from Quentin) and hobble into the house. I managed it on my feet, but it sure wasn't fun. Ice packs, an Ace bandage wrapping and plenty of aspirin (for swelling) and Tyelnol (for the actual pain), and then hobbling to the bed to rest for a couple of hours, and I could limp around on it.

Getting my shoe on in the mornings for work is loads of fun. I don't wear the rubber boots like most of the rest of the plant does because there's no real arch support in them (I have high arches), nor any real cushion, so they're not too comfy for standing around in all day on cold, wet concrete. So I wear the rubber overshoes over my sneakers so I have support and comfort and the requisite non-skid soles so I don't have a slip and fall and crash and burn on the floors in there. However, the overshoes are not really stretchy, and they're easier to get my shoes into if my shoes are not on my feet when I slip them on. So you can imagine that my right foot goes fine into the darn things since I can wiggle the shoe on no problem. Left foot's a whole nuther kettle o' fish. Wiggling that shoe on the first few days has been a bit ouchy. The swelling's gone down some, but there's still some bruising on the inside of my foot.

My ankle's now almost back to normal, thank goodness. A few more days and I think I can get outside to do things again. Yesterday (Saturday) was fun, because Quentin had an odd job to do and I was taking the day off of potential work. It would have been volunteer to show up and get paid to work, but when I checked, there wasn't a guarantee that I'd get any work out of showing up. So I decided to stay home, which meant with Quentin off doing his thing he had to do, I was the one who had to go do laundry myself. No biggie getting laundry from car to laundromat and back again, it was getting it out the rough ground from house to car and back again that required hubby to carry things.

And a great big Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there, male and female. I'm sure we all know a lot of single Moms who are mother and father to their kids. I know I was for most of my kid's growing years, and being Dad and Mom was a blast. I got ALL the fun, lol. But fortunately, my kids have a good stepdad in Quentin (for the most part), and if you ask my daughter who Daddy is, she will tell you that Daddy is Quentin.

Thus, it's been a very quiet week, since nothing's getting done around here. Things will pick back up in another few days when my ankle's better, but in the meantime, nothing's getting done. Just remember, homesteading is not without accidents and injuries to the people as well as the animals, and if it's the humans, not a lot will get done and you will hurt. Cuz, yea, my ankle is stiff and sore and I wish it would finishh getting freaking better, cuz this sucks hind tit. Till next week, when hopefully, I'll get stuff done around here!

Just for kicks, these are the black-eyed Susans I mentioned previously. There are SCADS of them growing all over the easement area. Now if we just had a gas-powered weedeater to clear more of the scrub trying to grow back where we don't want it until we have a chance to build pens and get goats to browse the stuff down (or a donkey, I really, really, REALLY want a donkey. And alpacas.) Sheep, I just remembered to mention, will be easy to find. My old line lead at work actually raises Katahdin and Dorper sheep, so I have a ready source for buying some lambs to raise up for fiber later on when that pen is built. Whee!

1 comment:

  1. Aw sweetie I hope you do get better. Ankles are a pain in the butt to heal. Just be careful. Glad you are doing better tho it's hot hot here and no amount of rain it seems helps at all.Our ground outside is nothing but dirt.We've had to stay in as much as possible.
