Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gosh, I'm tired

It's been a bit of a rough week, but it's over and I'm glad. It wasn't bad, overall, just tiring. I did get in a bit of back child support that was more than usual over the last few years, so that was good, because it meant we could get that gas weedeater and Q could get busy with it. The place is looking a bit less like a jungle again, thank goodness. I worked a lot of overtime, because second shift people keep not showing up for work. My space bar is all sticky again, so I sometimes have to hit the thing a couple of times to get my space in my typing, and that's annoying. I'm getting a lot of knitting done. I  have whole weekends free now, because of new rules at work that mean I can get all the overtime I want in my regular department, but can't get overtime in any other department, so no more Saturdays in F.P. We are starting a hunt for a property we can buy, because we don't mind renting where we're at (we love the place and that we can do anything we want there, with the landlord's blessing), but we want to own. Q's pulled his head out of his butt and has not only been doing things around the place again, but realized finally that "city water" means lots of nasty chemicals dumped in it and more regulations about when/how we can do things than he wants to deal with, so he's stepped back and agreed that staying in the country is a lot better than not. We lost a tire on the truck, the one he just got patched, because a rock cut it, and we don't know till tomorrow if it can be fixed.

So that's how the week went. I'm now enjoying a short blog, a relaxing day getting myself some more books (links below!!) and having a light lunch at McDonald's. Time for book-"buying" (is it really buying when they're free??????) and food and relaxation. Hugs all. It's been a very busy week and I am glad it's over. I need the break today, lol.


These were definitely free when I got them today (Sunday), but if you don't get to them quickly, they may not be. Have fun! I know I do, but I gotta get me some novels, too, not just homesteading books and cookbooks and the like. One MUST have some fun reading, too. Heehee.

Whew, that's quite a lot of older books, isn't it? Thank goodness I seem to have finally caught that mess up! When we get to the point of a regular website with all the recommended products pages, the links will be ported over there. Lots easier when I can just copy and paste all the links instead of having to look up the links like above off the text links, lol. Till next weekend!

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