Let's see. I did take the day off yesterday, just because. Got quite a bit done around here while waiting on the guy to come get the car, which he finally did about 8PM. His trailer had blown a tire and like he said when he got here, he keeps his promises. He liked my little guy, but did not have a trailer or tow dolly. Ding dong DROVE IT OFF, 60 miles or more to his place, with the tranny in the shape it is in. Hey, hope he enjoyed the muscle workout with it! But now I have a few bucks back in the kitty and the old buggy is gone. Hubby used my car to get to work yesterday so he could have a solid chance on putting a couple pressure relief holes in the catalytic converter on the truck this morning. Makes for an exhaust leak on the truck, but might help with keeping the truck from stalling out due to crap in the cat fouling it out, until we get a chance to get it to the shop and have it replaced. Probably with a piece of straight pipe just to make the repair a bit cheaper.
I got so much done around here yesterday. Several more strips on the afgan are ready for ends to be worked in, and once they are all ready to join, I will wash them all so that they can be clean and nice before I join them. Washing a full afghan is a pain in the butt, and while it is supposed to rain a lot this week, I don't have all the strips anywhere near ready to hang on the line and let nature wash them for me.
I also got a lot done on the webstore, so it's closing in on 400 products! Once I hit around 500 or so, I think I'll start promoting it on my various facebook groups that are for business promotion, as well as letting more folks know about the affiliate program that comes in the store software itself. Hey, if folks can sell some stuff for me and make themselves a bit of money in the process, so much the better for us all. Hugs and love, all, time to start pulling together!
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