Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quiet day

It was just one of those days when you don't really do a whole lot. I got some knitting done, relaxed with a new and rather addictive game I found (2048 -, and basically just goofed off. Dinner was a new recipe, chicken parmesan bacon pasta. It came out really well for off the cuff and thrown together, but I should have made more, lol. It was just that good. Don't ask what I did, I can't remember exactly what I did. The name tells you more than I can!

Quentin got the truck hose fixed, it took a couple of hours because the hose the popped a leak yesterday wasn't the right type of hose to begin with, so the ends had shrunk some onto the housing where it goes, and it made it a right bugger to get off. Despite what someone suggested, it's not the head gasket, it was just a hose that didn't get replaced with heater hose, but with what was pretty much literally lying around. (I love Randy as a mechanic, don't get me wrong, but the hose and two clamps cost about $10 - you're telling me he couldn't spend an hour to go get them, when they weren't custom parts, it turns out? Just go into the store and ask for X number of feet of "heater hose?" ARGH!)

He also got the truck somewhat cleaned out, and it needed it desperately - still does, but it's better. And he fixed that crakced spot in the fan shroud, AND tested one of the tires Eric had against the car. The hub holes need to be ground out a bit to make them go on and off my car easier, but they will work a lot better than the 13" rims I've been running. So as soon as they have better tires on them and the holes are ground out, I have a better set of tires. They are 4-lug Chevy tires, just not specifically meant for the Aveo, so the hub holes are a fraction too small for easy installation and removal.

I'd have a couple photos to share, but my SD card and the laptop are not playing well together today (probably need to reboot, I have a tendency to just close the laptop up and not shut it off very often), so they'll have to wait for another time. Other than that, it's chilly and I have a monster headache that is slowly dying. A hot shower in a bit when my water's ready will help a lot. (Should note, I left another homesteading group - the owner says one thing on the group page but does another behind the scenese ... let's just say that "Simply Off Grid" is not a very active group anyhow, especially of late, and now I'm finding out why.) Till then, I'll work on books for y'all!


Growing Juicy Delicious Tomatoes (Rainforth Home and Garden's Secrets and Solutions)
How to Plant and Grow Tomatoes
Sock Monkey Knitting Pattern
I CAN CAN RELISHES, Salsa, Sauces & Chutney!! How to make relishes, salsa, sauces, and chutney with quick, easy heirloom recipes from around the world ... or sell (I CAN CAN!! Frugal Living Series)
Gluten Free Bread Recipes: Delicious Gluten Free Bread Recipes The Whole Family Will Enjoy!
Natural Dyes From the Backyard (Techniques from Lakeshore Textiles)
Paleo Muffin Recipes: Mouthwatering Muffin Recipes For Paleo, Celiac, And Gluten Free Diets. (Simple Paleo Recipe Series)
No Fail Kale: How to Grow Your Own, Make Kale Juice and Green Smoothies, and Cook Delicious Recipes
How To Make A Homemade Incubator

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