Friday, April 24, 2015

At wit's end

Well this is turning out to be a really great weekend so far, NOT. Now the car, my first (and so far, only) bought new-new car, is having issues on top of the truck having issues. The truck does not want to stay running, and we are slowly dealing with every little thing one at a time to hopefully find the right darn one that puts an end to this stuttering, stalling idiocy with it.

And what happens? Now the clutch on the car has gone out. I have reverse, and I sort of have 2nd and 4th. I do not have 1st, 3rd or 5th. What forward impetus I do have means driving with one hand and holding the shifter in place with everything I have got in me.

Called the insurance company, they can change vehicles over in a few minutes on the phone and can fax the new info to the guy (same one we are getting the truck from, as he generally has pretty good older vehicles). I just have to:
a - call him in the morning and see what he has that I can trade the car in on as the downpayment
b - dig out the title to the car
c - get the car in one piece to his lot
d - call work and take my one day unpaid bereavement day to get all the stuff done, even though I was not going to do so. (Or take a point, whichever at this point.)

This is not going to be an easy day, but I can get through it with any luck at all, and end up coming home with a different, working vehicle that will run well for a good, long while. This has to be fixed NOW. There are just too many odd, little things worn out on the car that are going to cost more than the car to fix, and probably would cost as much as a similarly aged used vehicle that will run would cost. I keep thinking we are going to start getting ahead, and then things happen that put us back again into the hole. I need for things to start going RIGHT.

Somehow, some way, this too shall pass. I just am at wit's end trying to understand how, on top of hubby's Grandmother's funeral this weekend. His brother is coming down in the morning to get him and take him up, and then will bring him home after on Saturday, we just have to throw in for gas. THAT we can handle ... it's the rest of it that has me totally just ... too stressed to fall apart, because it just has me numb.

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