Monday, July 7, 2014

Back to work today

I'm not sure how well I'll handle it. I'm not even sure I'll be able to stay upright for the whole shift. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure. Before I leave, I do need to put away a bit of laundry, try to get dishes done, and try to haul up a little water for what's left of the garden, as it's not supposed to rain again any time soon. That water may be murky, but if it saves what's left, so much the better. I did get another book finished up over the weekend and published on KDP, so that's good, too. The more I get done, the better off I am, because honestly, while I hate being cooped up all the time, I really don't look forward any day I have to go to the plant. The fibro side effects of sensitivity to people, lights and noise are bad enough, but having to work with all of that around me all the time just makes it worse than the isolation. I've spent a lot of time the last few days crying because I'm really scared about going back to work. It's tough when you have a disease that leaves you in such a state. I am hoping that I can get through it since I'm physically mostly better (that jaw is still a bit of a nightmare), it's the mental aspects that drive you nuts in this kind of thing. I'd rather spend my time with animals and plants - at least they don't make fun of me or put me down or expect more from me than I'm able to give. They're happy to get what they get and the animals especially give a lot in return.

Things have to be watered no later than tomorrow though. We haven't had any rain in days and even the trees are starting to wilt a bit if they have shallow roots. So I definitely need to do something. I'm beginning to think that my dream of a place in the country is just that, because with my physical issues getting worse, I may have to settle for reasonably close to a city for living, just to have a few less issues like water and power. I hate the idea of being on-grid, but I may have to trade that for being able to accomplish things I want to accomplish! Anyhow, time to hunt down books while I have energy and see what I can do around here before I have to head to work. Hugs, all!


Newsboy Hat Crochet Pattern
Crochet: Beyond the Basics. How to Crochet Vol.II. A Complete Intermediate Guide with More Patterns, Stitches and Squares. Includes Step-by-Step Instructions ... Guide to Learn How to Crochet Book 2)
Organic Pest Control: All-Natural Pest Solutions To Protect Your Garden! (100% Safe For Your Garden)
Organic Vertical Garden: Beginners Guide To Growing Healthy Organic Gardens
How to Survive a Disaster: Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Family
Composting: A Comprehensive Guide to Making Your Own Compost (Compost, Composting, Composting Guide)
Crocheting for Beginners: Learn How to Crcohet with the Complete Guide on Crochet for Beginners. With Step by Step Instructions with Detailed Pictures ... of Crocheting Volume 1 (How to Crochet)
The Prepper's Guide to Survival Food Storage (Survival Family Basics - Preppers Survival Handbook Series)
Knitting for Experts: How to Knit. The Complete Guide on Advance Knitting With Step by Step Instructions with Detailed Pictures to Expand your Knitting Skills and Knowledge. Volume 3
Organic Gardening Pest And Disease Control: How To Stop Destructive Pests And Disease From Ruining Your Plants

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