First off, I want to thank everyone who has offered up sympathies and/or cures of one sort or another for my sinus issues that are regularly ongoing. I do appreciate the cures, but truthfully, they don't do any more good than generic Sudafed, because I work in a cold, damp environment. When that's the case, and the weather is warm, you're going back and forth between them, and your body just can't handle it very well. Add in that I work with about 250 other people, some of whom simply do not take care of themselves in that respect, and often come in without doctoring up first, you end up with a lot of sneezing, coughing and sniffling going on. There are even those who never learned the good manners to cover their mouth when they cough, and spray germs all over the place. It's a constant battle there between your body and the bugs. But on to the title of this post.
I get a lot of hate mail via email. And I do mean a LOT. It falls mainly into a few general categories, all based on someone's view of something is different from mine. These categories are primarily LGBT rights, abortion/birth control/jobs and gun control. Let's take them in order, just so I can get more hate mail, shall we? Today, we'll tackle LGBT, aka gay, rights.
LGBT rights are important to me. I have a gay cousin and a transgendered cousin, both of whom, as I have said before, I love very much. They taught me early on that those who are oriented differently from myself are not to be feared or hated or whatever, but that they are just as human as I am. So yes, I fully believe that gays, lesbians, etc., should be allowed to marry, or to adopt children, etc. I believe that they should be able to cover their partners/spouses on their insurance at work as a spouse. I believe they should be able to file an income tax return as a married couple if they so choose.
It should not matter what gender the person is that you are sleeping with, just that you love each other. It should not matter what bathroom you use, and whether you identify as a pointer or a setter. And yes, I do think they should be allowed to be foster parents and to adopt as individuals or as a couple. Children need to be fed, clothed, sheltered, loved and cherished. The more homes that are available for that, the better off those children will be. This goes for animals as well, though usually there are no problems with the LGBT community adopting pets, which astounds me. "Oh yeah, you're good enough to adopt a dog or cat, but we can't let you harm a child with your views." Give me a break. You can't make anybody gay any more than you can make them straight. The world needs to grow up and accept this.
Homosexuality in some form or other is rampant in the animal kingdom, and we are the only animals that look upon it as bad. Think of bachelor herds of horses, deer, etc. For that matter, take my cats. Both male, and they dominate each other with "homosexual behavior" regularly, to prove who's the boss at that point in time. One will pin and mount the other and keep the submissive one in place for several minutes. This is perfectly normal behavior in the animal kingdom. That humans believe it is not is something I cannot understand when we are animals, simply a higher form. Does that make us "better" than the lower forms? I think not, considering what we've done to rape the world over the last few centuries, particularly in recent history. So stop the hate mail on homosexuality. You won't change my point of view, and I am certainly not going to take more time than this to try to change yours, other than posting memes on Facebook.
So that is today's rant on my hate mail. Tomorrow, we'll go on to abortion, birth control, and jobs. Trust me, jobs are related and fit in well.
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