Friday, July 11, 2014

Thank goodness it is Friday

Because I am tired of the crap at work. I wish I could just quit, but the money is needed so badly, and nothing else seems to be going right for making money. I am seriously thinking of trying to find something else that won't half kill me with hours and will let me sit on my butt in an office again, much as I hate dealing with people in that situation. Mainly because I get tired of them telling me how I don't know what I'm doing, and I'm the one with the degree. Yeah, I know, I'm carping. I guess it comes from people being stupid last night and not getting out till 330AM. I'm overtired, and that always makes me grouchy.

It did rain good yesterday, so no need to water for a couple days, thankfully, and I have to laugh. One of my tiny squash that did get to a permanent spot, but which has not grown well, I think it's the butternut, had a blossom on it yesterday when I left. A MALE blossom. Fat lot of help that is, as it won't even produce a sterile veggie for me to eat, lol. And my tiny little marigolds are trying to bloom, as I saw a single bud on the biggest one. I'm not a complete failure this year, just mostly a failure at gardening!

The boys are sleeping, and I swear they have the right idea. I'm tired yet, too. Once I get this done, I may lay back down for a bit of a nap till I absolutely HAVE to be up and getting something to eat and ready for work. Maybe that will help my mood. I'm just so glad that today is Friday, despite knowing that a good number of people will take half a poin at break and go home just so they don't have to work till whenever, which means whenever will be even longer for the rest of us. Anyhow, off to find books. Hugs, all!


Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces
Tabletop Aquaponics -- for Homes, Schools, Churches, Clubs, and Science Fairs
Backyard Pet Chickens A Beginners Guide: How To Raise Hens In A Small Suburban Yard (Choosing Breeds, Caring & Feeding, City Preppers, Choosing Coops, Organic Gardening) (Homesteading Book 4)
4 Steps To Vertical Gardening: Designs and Plant Selection for Vegetables, Flowers and Herbs (Vegetable Gardening Book 3)
Knitting Scarves For Beginners (Learn How to Knit)

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