Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Short rant

Because, honestly, even with my fibro, there are days when it feels like I have to push myself to get things done around here that need doing so they simply get done. I spent most of my "vacation" day yesterday cleaning the house because a certain spouse of mine hasn't done his fair share of chores for days again. (More appropriately, he hasn't done ANY chores, and lately it all falls on me.) Ditto with two heavy chores I wanted him to deal with. Weed eating over the weekend and getting my new dirt out of the back of the car today. Let's see - the dirt is still in the back of the car, I need to eat and get ready for work, and I'm supposed to haul ten 40-pound bags of dirt from the car up to by the house. Thank goodness for that cart - I might be able to do it in trips of 2 bags a load so as not to overload the cart. Lifting isn't that hard, it's the carrying it. Weed eating I did this morning - well, early afternoon. I asked him to get the thing started so I could do it while he got ready for work. Two hours later, he's ready for work and THEN says, "Here, let me get the weed eater ready for you." I could have had it DONE long before, plus my internet stuff, plus food and packing lunch for work, ALL before he left, if he'd started it up for me like I asked. (He has to start it because he insisted on a gas weed eater ... I wanted battery operated so I didn't NEED help with it. "Oh, no," says he when we got it, "Don't worry, I'll do ALL the weed eating!" So far, out of the last three times it's been done, he's done ... none of it.)

So yeah, in among everything else today before I leave in about two hours, I have to fit in time to haul up the dirt. I WANTED to get some stuff transplanted today and tree  branches in for trellising beans up as some are already!!! into their second set of true leaves in just DAYS. Also wanted to shift around some of the radishes so they all have plenty of room to grow. Thanks to lazy, that's all off again, because I'm pooped from weed eating and have to save what energy I still have for shifting bags of dirt. Anybody else have issues like this with their spouse wanting to homestead with them but not willing to actually put forth the work involved? Because I'm about ready to say the heck with it some days, the way I feel!


Growing Organic Berries: Everything You Need To Know To Grow Healthy Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries & Rasberries)
The Ideal Pantry: Your Comprehensive Guide to Food Remedies and Preservation Techniques
Indoor Gardening Box Set: How to Grow Beautiful Tomatoes, Bell Peppers and Avocados at Home & How to Grow Delicious Peaches, Grapes and Strawberries at Home (Indoor Gardening, Urban Garden)
Backyard Chickens Book Package: Backyard Chickens: The Beginner's Guide to Raising and Caring for Backyard Chickens & The Backyard Chickens Handbook
How to Grow Vegetables & Herbs in Containers - Container Gardening for Beginners
Easy Knitting Pattern Fingerless Gloves
One-Day Crochet: Projects: Easy Crochet Projects You Can Complete in One Day
Square foot gardening: For beginners (Square foot gardening, square foot gardening book, square foot gardening guide, square foot gardening kindle)
Growing Herbs: Beginners Guide to Planting & Growing Healthy Herbs (Simple Homegrown Herbs)

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