My neck is still aching, despite popping and cracking all day at work. I ended up going to bed early for me, and I still woke up hurting. This is not kosher, folks. I am beginning to feel like a bowl of Rice Krispies. Every time I move, something goes snap, crackle or pop. On the other hand it has now been 24 hours since there have been kitten leavings on the bed, and Tink's bunch is consistently attempting to get to the litter box.
We got scheduled to work tomorrow as well as our usual weekdays, as of a couple of days ago. I found out why last night. The weather a few weeks ago was making the birds grow out almost too small for us to process. Now that it has warmed up, they are growing out almost too quickly to be processed. Believe it or not, the USDA has regulations on the size of chicken we can kill and butcher. Too small or too big, and they cannot be used.
The car has developed a bit of a wobble, which likely means one of the tires is developing a knot somewhere, where the tire treads are starting to separate. It is not unusual around here with mountain road driving, and considering that my car is a sub-compact, it is impossible to get tires with enough meat on them to last for any great length of time. I get about six months a tire, tops. Looks like I will have to have hubby check the tires today on the way down to the car. The walk down to Cliff's is not too bad, though the mud was sticky enough last night to suck one of my ice cleats right off my foot. I still have one, which is better than nothing, but I will have to find the other on the way out today. I know about where it came off, but I did not notice it was gone until after I was well past it on the way up that incline.
The house is so comfy and cozy that I really do not want to leave it. I like my house, I like my comfort, and work is neither likeable nor comfortable. As it is, with the way things have gone, I have not had a chance to work on anything with the store for a couple of days and it upsets me more than it likely should. Things happen, and you can not control them, but good grief, I need my peace and quiet, and work provides neither of those. About all it provides is a regular paycheck in the way of positive things. Being an introvert, a job really is not easy to handle! There are too many people around all the time wanting to talk and such. I just want to be left alone to do my thing, and my thing is NOT messing with chicken all day. It is not that I am not grateful for my job and what it provides, it simply is not my happy place.
One thing I am extremely grateful for right now is muscle rub. Good old liniment. The stuff is a wonder to behold. In this case, to feel, because I found the stuff just now (hubby had it stashed on his side of the bed for some reason) and rubbed some into my neck where it hurts. Oh, the blessed icy-hot feeling that may end up bringing some relief. Now to get through the next four-and-a-half weeks until I hit my anniversary at work again, and get more paid time off! Anniversary, birthday, and five vacation days. If I am still there this time next year, it will be ten paid vacation days. (I am hoping not.) I intend to spread them out once a month as needed for a day off to relax and enjoy myself, and plow through a lot of things for the store.
Now it is time to get a couple of other things done and pull my happy butt together to get off to work and check the tires. I am pretty sure it is a tire that is developing a knot and while it is not too bad right now, it is annoying and I would like it fixed ASAP. Hugs and love, all, have a great day!
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