Monday, October 13, 2014

Funday Monday

I am officially done with the vinework and have a butterfly well-started. In all honesty, while I was waiting to get my hands on all the colors Wally World doesn't carry, I started the one, so the one wing was half-done already. It's now finished and I'm a few steps into another wing. It's going faster than I thought it would, but I figure it's just because I was getting awfully tired of green. The vinework on Mom's lap quilt was getting pretty darned boring by the end, so it's a good thing I did it first.

It's awfully cloudy today, and drizzling a bit here and there. Of course, the girls are still not sure enough of the house to come in to eat, so they are currently eating on the deck in the drizzle. They still love their attention with food, so I am likely getting a largeish crate this weekend or the next and starting to feed them in it so they will get used to it, and I will be able to get them caught and indoors easier without having to dress heavily and scare them really badly with hauling them in. It's much simpler to put their food in the crate, let them go in it to eat for several days, and then one day, shut the door on them. It teaches them that the carrier is a good place to be, much like crate-training a puppy.

But now it's time for books, and getting ready for work, and maybe a bit of a nap before we leave. Hugs, all!


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