Tuesday, December 23, 2014

So far, this week sucks

Last night was a crappy night. Three people didn't show up, including our lead AND backup lead. The machine on my line was broke for half an hour to start. Then it broke again just before break by tearing up a belt, which couldn't be replaced because apparently, maintenance had no more in stock. Because it was still broken when we came back from lunch, the grader (they person who pulls the miscuts off the line) left, leaving us even more short-handed. We managed to run the rest of the night - 4 1/2 hours - on one side of the machine only. I thought that was bad enough, along with the supervisors having people hand load the tenders onto the lines while we were still running birds, which made my job even harder (thanks, guys, she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm). I ended up having to yell at people about "raising all kinds of holy h**l" over it to get them to slow it down to a dull roar so we could keep up. My back and arms are sore, and I don't want to go in, but I will.

Today isn't starting out much better. Woke up about 930AM to find our power was out. Call the electric company (I will be so glad when we are off-grid completely) and find it's a good-sized outage, so who knew when power would be back on. Thankfully, it's back on, but hubby was not happy. "If power's out here, is it on at the plant? And if not, then what do I do all day without my TV and PS2?" Me, I went back to sleep, dreaming of being able to spend the day knitting and crocheting and sewing and reading. Hopefully, this night at work will go better, because we have tomorrow and Thursday off, which gives cranky over there (pointing to my right, where he's sitting and getting ready for work) a couple of days to do just about nothing, and me time to do plenty of whatever I want to do in the way of needlework and reading. Yay, me!


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