Friday, February 6, 2015

And today is wonderful

But I have to work. Yay me. But I got a bunch of stuff done last night, which is always to the good, and who knows? With luck, I might be able to do something small with the store in a few weeks, earlier than I expected to be able to do. The more I get done, the happier I am, and it makes all the crap at work so much easier to take, knowing that while I don't know the exact date I'll be able to do so, that some day in the not-as-far-off future as some people think, I'll be able to quit working for others and work only for myself, homesteading full-time instead of catch-as-catch-can. That day will be such a blessing.

In the meantime, the kittens are growing so much and starting to walk in their wobbly little way. I shall have to take photos of them individually this weekend to post for you all to see! I also got some more qulting done on Mom's lap quilt, which is nearly ready for finishing, and a bit of crocheting, so I only need two more starter rounds to have enough strips going for the finished afghan. Sure do wish I could take the day off, but money is needed for all kinds of things, and right now, I can't make it sitting on my butt.

The weather today would be perfect for it, too. It's 50F out, and boy howdy, would I love so much to get out and cut some wood and deal with some of the trash piling up, but nooo, I have to work. To quote one of my friends, blargleargle. (Told her I was borrowing that word on a non-returnable basis!) I feel for her, though. She had knee surgery several months ago and still has to take it easy, so she's not getting up and about much. Like many others, I envy her and, barring the post-surgery part, would love to be able to be home all day every day.


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