Thursday, February 26, 2015

Warming up a bit

It's supposed to be cold here again the next couple of days, but it will warm up some after that. I will be extremely glad of it, as I'm tired of the cold. The wind not so much, though in the cold it makes the cold worse, but the cold period is starting to get to me. Work was okay last night and we got done at a reasonable hour, but it sure was tiring to play catch up on that backdated stuff now that the third line on boobs is fixed.

I got a couple of letters written that have to go out rather soon, and a lot of needlework yet to finish up (when do I not?), stuff to do for the store (loads of that), and I really need a whole crapton more sleep than I've had lately. Stress is starting to bleed off some, so I feel better in that respect, but I will be so glad when it starts warming up really nicely so I can hopefully get outside for a bit each day again. I'm starting to get some serious cabin fever here! I'm looking forward to some green again!

For now, though, it's time for a nap, as hubby insists on getting up way early and then wants me up with him to keep him company. Just because HE can go all day on five hours sleep does not mean I can, and I want a bit more rest before I have to go mess with chicken all day again. (Another good reason for the store to get going and do well, I can sleep as much as I need to, not only how long I have available.) Hugs, all!

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