Friday, February 13, 2015

Yay for Fridays

One more day at work, and it will be over with for the week. Last night was okay, mostly boring other than things breaking down and putting us behind. That's not the most pleasant thing, because it disrupts my zenning out with the chicken. My feet are killing me, as usual by now, but that's normal.

I think that, even though I don't have nearly enough stuff to put up like I'd rather have, I will be starting the webstore this weekend. And I've lost my train of thought. Again. I love hubby, but he babbles a lot. By "a lot," I mean "in the morning, he is an incessant yapper once his eyes are open, and has to speak aloud every single thing he is doing." I kid y'all not. "Where is my left shoe? I have to put on my left shoe. I'm going to wash my face now. Ok, get my lunch bag. Get around the door so I can get my lunch bag." Just now, while washing his face, he realizes he needs to trim his 'stache. "Yep, time to trim it up, whether I want to or not." I'm trying to figure out which extra modules to add to OSCommerce for the webstore and every time I start to have a thought of something that would be neat to have, he has to start talking. ARGH! THIS, folks, is why I do my best work when he's not around or is at least in another room. It's QUIET and I can think.

Only bad part with the modules is that I have to download them and install them, and some of them require modifications to various files in OSC. I hate making modifications, and I'm always freaked out that they may not work. But as long as you save the original, working file down to your computer first, you're okay.

First things first, though. I didn't sleep too well last night, kept tossing and turning. So as soon as hubby is out the door, I'm going back to bed for a nap. It won't accomplish anything as far as the business, but it will keep me awake for work tonight. It's just going to be one of those crazy Fridays!

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